Sports Med Final

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The defenition of this term is a physical wound or injury sustained in a sport and is produced by an external or internal force: exudate, trauma, mechanical failure, avulsion
The definition of this term is the internal reaction or resistance to an external load: avulsion, yield point, stree, fracture
This term defines when the elastic limit of tissue is reached causing the tissue to break: laod, stress, avulsion, mechanical failure
Mechanical failure
This specific type of stress is characterized by a force that moves across the parallel organization of tissue: tension, load, shearing, avulsion
This type of skin wound is characterized by the skin being scraped against a roug surface causing the exposure of numerous blood capilaries: avulsion, abrasion, puncture, incision
This type of muscle injury is a bruise caused by a sudden traumatic blow to the body. crushing forces break blood and lymph vessels causing a hematoma to form: contusion, abrason, strain, fasciitis
This grade of muscle strain is characterized by the most severe symptoms including a loss of muscle function, and commonly a palpable defect or gap in the muscle: grade 1,2,3,4
Grade 3
Ligaments are _________ in their middle and ____at their ends: weakest,stronges; strongest,weakest; strongest,strongest; weak,weaker
Stongest, weakest
This type of joint injury is characterized by a sudden joint twist that results in stretching ot total tearing of the stabilizing connective tissue of a joint: sprain, strain, fracture, dislocation, subluxation
What complications can arise for a dislocation or subluxation: excessive heat production, pain in the opposite joint, pinching off of blood vessels or nerves
Pinching off of blood vessels or nerves
This type of chronic joint injury may be caused by repeated joint sprians that can irritate and inflame the capsule of a joint: bursitis, appendicistis, faciitis, capsulitis
This type of bone fracture presents with a piece of bone that is actually protruding through the skin: non-displaces, open/compound, stress, incomplete
This type of fracure is probably the most common and is charaterized by a fracture line that is straight and is at a right angle to the bone shaft: spiral, comminuted, transverse, avulsionn
This type of fracture is characterized by the separation of a bone fragment from its ofiginal place where a ligament or tendon attaches to it: spiral, blowout, comminuted, avulsion
This type of fracture is characterized by three of more bone fragments at the fracture site: avulsion, comminuted, spiral, blowout