Speech Concepts & Terms Chapter 1 Flashcards

Flashcards Quiz based on the concepts and terms used in Speech( Langauge ). Important key terms, concepts, Statements, and much more are provided within the flashcard quiz to learn and understand. Try to attempt the Flashcard Quiz and make your learning of Speech in Language easy and smooth with this.

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Linear Model
Answer 1
Sender ecodes message through a channel to a receiver in an atmosphere of noise.
Interactive Model
Answer 2
Receiver becomes sender, sender becomes receiver. (ping pong)
Answer 3
Both a sender and a receiver. ~verbal/nonverbal
Set of standards for judging the moral correctness of communicaation behavior.
Passion for excellences
Work Place Benefits
Communication helps land a job, perform effectively and receive promotions.
Personal Well Being
Communication helps maintain relationships and facilitate the development of family.
Social Connection
Communcations allows us to build relationships and establish a social connection.
Know the rules that create behavioral expectations and knowing what's likely to work effectively given the rules of the situation.
Communication skill
Successful performance of a communication behavior and the ability to repeat such behavior.