Speech 101--Ch 10

Chapter 10 fl ashcards

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Speech to Report
A speech used to give an account or description of events, places, special objects, interesting people, and the like.
Speech to Instruct
Speech where the efforts are concentrated on having the audience learn about and/or understand a process, or "how to" actually perform a process or special set of actions.
Speech to Explain
A speech used to explain ideas and concepts that are more abstract such as heories, principles, etc.
Serial Learning
Peope tend to learn more readily when things are arranged in some sequence or serial order, especially when they are aware of the order
SRX Learning
The use of a stimulus, response, and reinforcement (either a reward or punishment) in education
Utilizing what we know to make understanding easier
-the motivation of the audience to want to learn or listen -an important effect on how much an audience remembers -the second primary objective in a spech to inform
What the speaker hopes to help the audience achieve in regards to the speech's topic
Providing details to increase the speech's impact
Including things in one's speech that are different, unusual, contrasting, or strange to increase interest
-a tool that is not necessary but can be helpful to a speech if used properly -improves the character ratings of the speaker and better student retention