SPC 3rd Semester Nursing Section

SPC 3rd semester nursing section

77 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the fluid maintenance formula
50 ml/kg/day
What is the fluid rate for surgery
5-20 ml/kg/hr
What is the fluid rate for a patient in shock
60-90 ml/kg/hr
What vein is the easiest vein to draw 10 ml of blood from in an 11 kg dog
The jugular vein
What is the difference between arterial blood collection and venous blood collection
In arterial blood collection, it is not necessary to occlude an artery to obtain a blood sample
If you are drawing blood from a cat's medial saphenous vein with a 23 gauge needle on a 3 ml syringe and the blood stops flowwing into the syringe, what is the problem
You have applied too much suction causing the vein to collapse
When performing a venipuncture, always use the ____ needle possible for the vein chosen and direct the bevel ____
Largest, upward
What are some reasons why we wipe the skin with 70% isopropyl alcohol before veinpuncture
-it removes some superficial skin contaminants
-it causes vasodilation
-it improves visualization of the vein
Why would you choose to draw blood from the lateral saphenous vein over the cephalic on a dog
If a dog is too aggressive
What are some reasons to do an intradermal injection
-for a local block for dermal mass removal
-TB testing in large animals
-allergy skin testing
Concerning subcutaneous administration of fluids and medications, when giving multiple vaccinations or meds, what should you do
Space the injection sites several centimeters apart
If a vet asked you to give SQ normal saline fluid therapgy to a 11 # cat, using the maintenance dose (50ml/kg/day), what is the best way to deliver this fluid
Give 125 ml every 12 hours SQ divided in sites as needed
What is the maximum volume that should be injected IM at any site in a cat
2 ml
What is the maximum volume that should be injected IM at any site in a dog
3-5 ml
What vein is prefered for administering hypertonic solutions, long term fluid administration and central venous pressure measurement
The jugular vein