Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders

Psychology flashcards for somatoform and dissociative disorders

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is a somatoform disorder?
A disorder in which problems appear to be physical or medical but are actually due to psychosocial factors
What are the two types of somatoform disorders?
-Hysterical -Preoccupation
What are the three hysterical somatoform disorders?
-Conversion disorder -Somatization disorder -Pain disorder associated with psychological symptoms
What are the differences between hysterical and medical symptoms?
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What are the differences between hysterical and factitious symptoms?
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What are the preoccupation somatoform disorders?
-Hypochondraisis -Body dysmorphic disorder
What is a factitious disorder?
A disorder in which people go to extreme lengths to create the appearance of a medical disorder
What is the difference between munchausen and munchausen by proxy?
Munchausen - pretend to be sick to get attention from doctors proxy make their children sick
What causes somatoform disorders from a psychoanalytic view?
Hysterical disorder is a conversion of underlying emotional conflicts into physical problems
What causes somatoform disorders from a cognitive view?
Hysterical disorder is a result of emotions converting into physical symptoms - way of communicating difficult emotions
What causes somatoform disorders from a behavioral view?
Hysterical disorders are a result of rewards gained as a result from physical symptoms
What kind of treatment do those with preoccupation somatoform disorders usually receive?
Treatment similar to anxiety disorders (cognitive/behavioral)
What kind of treatment do those with hysterical somatoform disorders usually receive?
Drug therapy, exposure, suggestion, reinforcement, insight therapy, confrontation
What are dissociative disorders?
Disorders in which the individual experiences major losses or changes in memory, consciousness, and identity, but have no physical causes
What are the four dissociative disorders?
-Dissociative amnesia -Dissociative fugue -Dissociative identity disorder -Depersonalization disorder