Sociology Midterm Exam

Soci midterm

52 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The study of human socitey 
Sociological imagination
Ability to connect the most basic intimate aspects of an individuals life to seemlinglu impersonal and remot historical forces
Social institutions
Group of social positions connected by social relations performing a social role any institution in a society that works to socialize the group or ppl within
Social idenity
Individuals define themselves in relationsjop to groups wth which they affiliate
Positivism arose out of need to make sense of the social order in a time of declining religous authorityStages-theological stagemetaphysical stage:why things are the way they are -scientific stagewe can convience we could understand how social institutions work 
Harriet martineau
Transle comte to englishway we educate kidsto government
Karl Marx
Marxist conflict theoryhistorical materialism: conflict between classes drove social change throughout historycommunism
Max weber
Belief marx went 2 fare to coin it just a cause and affect-religon also laid the ground workverstehen: social world through experience
Interpretive sociology
Study of social meaning
Division of labor: degree to which jobs are specialized positivist sociology: strain within socioloy that believes the social world can be described and predicted relationships
Sense of aimlessness or despair that arises when we can no longer reasonably expect life to be predictable;to little social regulation
Jane adamsWEB Dubios
Adams: hull house link ideas of university to the poor through full service examsblack and anomie
Various social instituation and processes in society exis to serve some important fuction to keep socoety running
Conflict theory
Conflict promotes change
Feminist theory
Equality between men and women challenging conventional wisdom