Sociology Keywords

Key words on sociological Theory & Crime. Examples included.

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is Alienation?
A Marxist term by Karl Marx which suggests some groups (specifically the working classes) feel marginalised from society as they lack control over their own lives.
For example: Employees are 'alienated from species being' as their employers control even their natural bodily functions such as what time they eat.
What is Anomie?
A Functionalist term by Emile Durkheim which describes the state in which a member of society loses their sense of belonging within society and are 'at odds with themselves'. Anomie is more common during times of rapid change when society's values are uncertain (such as during th enlightenment when science challenged religious values).
For Example: First generation immigrants are likely to experience anomie.
What is Bourgeosie Hegemony?
A Marxist idea by Karl Marx which suggest the bourgeosie (the ruling class) control the values and ideologies of the proletariat (the working classes) in which they brainwash them and transmit and justify class inequalities disguised as common values.
For example: The concept of meritocracy (in which hard work results in success) keeps the working classes passive in education but in reality they are unlikely to achieve educational success.
What is the Chivalry Thesis?
The view that institutions within society (specifically the Criminal Justice System) treat women more leniently than men.
For example: Hood (1992) studied 3000 cases and found women are 1/3 less likely to be convicted in similar cases compared to male offneders.
What is the Consensus Theory?
A functionalist theory which suggests society is held together by a set of shared norms and values - the collective conscience.
For example: Education teaches a shared history which allows for co-operation amongst a social group.
What is a Copy Cat?
An individual who behaves in a similar way to someone they have already seen.
For example: Derek Brown was convicted of murder in 2008 after killing 2 young women in an attempt to copy the famous murderer Jack the Ripper.
What is Corporate Crime?
Crime committed by large organisation and companies.
For example: A large company may evade taxes by re-locating their profits into off-shore bank accounts or simply not declaring them.
What is a Crime?
The act of breaking a law which is deemed wrong by the state or judges.
For example: Homicide - the killing of another.
What is a Criminal?
An individual who commits a crime.
For example: An individual who steals from a shopping center is a criminal and is labbled a 'shoplifter' by the CJS.
What is the Criminal Code?
A legal system.
For example: The UK's Parliament and CJS & Europe's European Court of Human Rights.
What does Culpable mean?
To be at fault for something or carry the guilt for something you have done.
What is Cultural Relativity?
A concept originally created by Margaret Mead which suggests there is no univeral definition of standards of what crime is and these standards are culturally and socially constructed.
For example: torture is illegal in Europe but is legal & even encouraged in others.
What is the Dark Figure of Crime?
The unreported crime which is excluded from official statistics. This may occur because of the victim's fear or because victims of crime and the police believe it is too trivial to be reported.
For example: a victim of domestic violence may not report the crime to the police out of the fear of more violence towards themselves.
What is Delinquency?
A criminal act which is typical of a young person. This may be powered by stereotypes of young people and the labels given to them by society.
For example: Vandalism.
What is Deviance?
The breaking of a social code which is not considered unlaeful but has a negative stigma attached.
For example: Polygamy.