Sociology Exam 3 Massey

Exam questions for the 3rd Exam for Mr. Massey's class.  Pertaining to Introduction to Sociology

47 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Define Social Stratification?
A system by which society ranks and categorizes people in a hierarchy.
Four basic principles of Social Stratification?
1. Social Stratification is a trait of society, not simply a reflection of individual differences.2. Social Stratification carries over from generation to generation.3. Social Stratification is universal but variable.4. Social Stratification involves not just.
Social Mobility is a change in position within the social hierarchy. T of F
Sociologists when referring to Social Stratification distinguish between what types of systems?
Closed Systems - Caste Systems : Allow little change in social position. (Typical in most agrarian societies).Open Systems - Class Systems : Permit much more social mobility. Stratification is based on birth and individual achievement.
Social Stratification when based on ascription or birth delivers?
Little or no social mobility
A concept that refers to social stratification based on personal merit? ( knowledge, abilities, and effort as opposed to connections)
Define Ideology?
Cultural beliefs that justify particular social arrangements, including patterns of inequality.
Karl Marx: Class Conflict, said that Social Stratification is rooted in people's relationship to the means of production. T of F
Karl Marx say that capitalists (bourgeoisie) is?
People who own and operate factories and other business in pursuit of profit.
Karl Marx calling when referring to Proletariat?
Working people who sell their labor for wages.
Karl Marx referring to Alienation?
The experience of isolation and misery.
Why was their no Marxist Revolution? 3 reasons
1. Fragmentation of the capitalist class2. A higher Standard of living(consumerism)3. More worker organizations
Max Weber said there are 3 dimensions when viewing Social Stratification, what are the 3?
1. Class Position2. Status3. Power
What are blue collar workers?
Lower prestige jobs that involve mostly manual labor
A whiter color worker is a lower prestige job that involve mostly manual labor. T of F