Sociology Ch. 13, 14, 15 Vocab.

Vocabulary of Ch. 13, Education. 14, Religion. 15, Medicine.

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The view that academic degrees indicate the holders' qualifications to perform certain jobs or roles.
Educational Inflation
The situation in which the credentials required to obtain a job increase while the skills necessary to perform the job remain the same
White flight
An upsurge in white families moving to suburban neighborhoods to avoid mandatory busing
Assigning students to dfferent educational programs on the basis of their abilities or interests
Magnet schools
Schools that offer specialized programs or intensive studies in certain subject areas to draw students from all residential areas of the community
When children acquire education in their own homes, taught by their parents or other adults
Hidden curriculum
Lessons taught in school that do not appear as part of the formal lesson plans and learning obectives
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Process whereby an authority figure's expectations and assumptions cause behaviors that fulfills those expectations and assumptions
Those things that have supernatural significance and qualities
Those things that are regarded as part of ordinary life
Commonly routinized behaviors that express and reinforce religious faith
A formal religious organization that is well established and well integrated into its society
A church that is a state's official religion
A religion that maintains friendly relations with the government and with other religions but that does not claim to be the nation's only legitimate faith
A loosely organized, nonbureaucratic religious organization with nonprofessional leadership that actively rejects the social environment in which is exists.