Sociology 201 Chapters 1,2

Sociology 201 UDel

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Altruistic Suicide
Type of Suicide that occurs where ties to the group or community are considered more important than individual identity
Anomic suicide
Type of suicide that occurs when the structure of society is weakened or disrupted and people feel hopeless and disillusioned
Comparative method
Research technique that compares existing official statistics and historical records across groups to test a theory about some social phenomenon.
Egoistic suicide
Type of suicide that occurs in settings where the individual is emphasized over group or community connections
Individualistic explaination
Tendency to attribute peoples achievements and failures to their personal qualities
Sociological imagination
Ability to see the impact of social forces on our private lives
Systematic study of human societies
Achieved status
Social position acquired through our own efforts or accomplishments or taken on voluntarily
Ascribed status
Social position acquired at birth or taken on involuntarily later in life
Subgroup of a triad where two members unite against the third
Conflict perspective
Theoretical perspective that views the structure of society as a source of inequality, which always benefits some groups at the expense of others
Language, values, beliefs, rules, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a society
Group consisting of two people
Feminist perspective
Theoretical perspective that focuses on gender as the most important source of conflict and inequality in social life
Process through which peoples lives all around the world become economically, politically, environmentally, and culturally interconnected