Sociology of the Family Midterm

Sociology midterm review flashcards

159 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the four classical theoretical perspectives?
-Functionalism -Symbolic interaction -Conflict -Exchange
What are the three contemporary theoretical perspectives?
-Feminist -Modernity -Psychological -Sociobiology
Who is considered the "father" of functionalism?
Emile Durkheim
Who is considered the greatest proponent of functionalism?
Talcott Parsons
How do we view families from a functionalist view?
Families presume the needs of a society committed to rationality, meritocracy, and democracy. Contribute to stability of society as a whole.
Who was the main proponent of conflict theory?
Karl Marx
What do conflict theorists focus on?
Inequality, power, and social change
How do we account for familial differences using conflict theory?
Men have more economic and political power so they dictate the family structure
Using conflict theory, how does capitalism "benefit?"
Women do housework and provide emotional support to the husbands that are "oppressed" by mundane work
What, in conflict theory, are the "haves" and "have-nots?"
Haves - those who control power, wealth, and privilege Have-nots - compete for larger share of society's wealth
What is the exchange theory?
People are rational beings who decide whether to exchange goods or services by considering the costs and benefits they incur
Explain traditional gender roles using exchange theory
Women choose to do housework and childcare in exchange for male income
Who was the main proponent of symbolic interactionism?
George Herbert Meade
Explain husbands not changing a diaper using symbolic interaction
A husband who does not want to change a diaper will act incompetent as a symbol of defining "manly" role
What does the feminist theory argue?
Argues that men have more power over women and that key conflict in societal issues is gender - roles are socially constructed