
 sociali sm flash

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An economic theory favoring total or partial public control of the economy; at the left end of the political spectrum
Class that owns the means of production
Lack means of production and must sell their labor to survive
Karl Marx’s actual ideas
Ideas espoused in Karl Marx’s name, not necessary his actual ideas
Utopian socialism
Independent colonies existing in relative isolation; no world wide emphasis on revolution or political action; believed that all of society would voluntarily join the movement after they observed how it operated
Henri de Saint-Simon
History a conflict between productive and unproductive classes, Utopian Socialist
Robert Owen
Utopian socialist- US adventurer
Charles Fourier
Utopian socialist, influenced Marx
Scientific socialism
Marx’s idea of socialism, strongly influenced by Hegel, Smith, Ricardo, Rousseau, and Feurbach
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
His dialectical method and historical orientation greatly influenced Marx
Adam Smith and David Ricardo
(2) influenced Marx with their classical political economy
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
French socialist and sociological thought; influenced Marx
Ludwig Feuerbach
A Left Hegelian who argues that Hegel, by portraying humanity as a manifestion of “Spirit” denies humans real, material, sensuous existence (influenced Marx)
Marx’s myths about capitalism
1) the spread of capitalism means the spread of freedom; 2) Everyone has equal opportunity under capitalism; 3) Privatizing services makes them more responsive