Social Studies Flashcards

Flashcards about monsoons, weather, the Indus Valley, Harappan Civilization. Also describes Mesopotamia & Egypt.

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is a haboob?
A haboob is a dry monsoon. (Arabic word)
What is a monsoon?
A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of winds
What is the climate like from June through September?
The climate is humid because our air comes from the tropics.
What are the places that get the most monsoons?
Southwest United States, South Asia, & South East Asia
When the temperature is cold the pressure is...?
When the temperature is hot the pressure is..?
What are the three things that take place when there is a hot temperature?
1.Molecules expand.
2.Molecules become lighter from expansion.
3.The Air rises
What are the three things that take place when there is a cold temperature?
1.Molecules contract.
2.Molecules become heavier and denser from contraction.
3.Air sinks.
What is wind?
Wind is air that moves from high to low pressure.
What kind of clouds happen when there is low pressure?
Cirrus clouds.
What kind of clouds do high pressure bring in?
Big rain clouds & storms.
Land will heat up or retain it's hot or cold temperature how many more times faster than the water?
Three times faster.
Where in the world has the largest monsoons?
What is the orographic effect?
Wind that has been pushed upwards.
What are winter monsoons?
It's when warm air from water rises & cold air from the north takes it's place. It's the reverse from summer monsoons.