Social Studies Chapter 3 Test

This is a study card set for the social studies text book "Creating America".

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Give 2 reasons why English colonists came to North America:
1) English colonists wanted to escape religious persecution and have religious freedom
2) The lack of economic opportunity in England and the stories of gold mine lured the English
Why did the settlement in Roanoke fail?
The settlement in Roanoke failed because the settlers depended on the Natives for food, but when the Natives realized the colonists wanted their land, they starved them by cutting off their food supply
Why was Jamestown so successful?
Jamestown was so successful because john Smith became in charge and formed the "he that will no work shall not eat" rule. This helped the settlers of Jamestown build a fort around their colony. John Smith also convinced the Powhatan to trade corn with them so they had a steady food supply. John Rolfe also brought tobacco to Jamestown, which was very successful. This and indentured servants helped Jamestown grow. Additionally, Jamestown was financed by a joint-stock company so investors split all gains and divided any losses
What was the patroon system?
A patroon system was a person who brought fifty settlers to a piece of land in the Middle Colonies in return for a large land grant and special privileges in hunting, fishing, or fur trading
Give the reasons and outcome of Bacon's Rebellion
The reasons of Bacon's Rebellion were that Bacon and his followers were upset about the high taxes, didn't like the governor's favoritism towards large plantation owners, and that Governor Berkley refused to approve Bacon's demand of a war against the Native Americans to seize more land for tobacco plantations. The outcome of Bacon's Rebellion was that Bacon and his followers ended up dying and getting hanged after managing to take control of the House of Burgesses and burn down Jamestown. However, the tyranny did end.
Name the first successful English colony and the year it was established.
The first successful English colony was Jamestown, established in 1607.
What was "The New England Way"?
"The New England Way" was a term used by the Puritans to describe their beliefs and their society which emphasized duty, godliness, hard work, and honesty.
Why was William Penn's colony so successful?
William Penn's Colony was so successful because it welcomed different religions and ethics since the Quakers believed that people should live in harmony. They shared a treaty with Native Americans and treated everyone equally.
Carolina was a royal colony. What does this mean?
This meant that Carolina was ruled by a royal governor and council appointed by the British crown.
What was the House of Burgesses?
The House of Burgesses was the first representative assembly in the America colonies. They were elected representative that were used to establish control and maintain order in the settlement.
What event shook up the Puritan community? Explain.
The Salem Witchcraft trials shook up the Puritan community because it led to an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. It all started with two girls who pretended that they were bewitched and blamed their Native American slave and two other innocent women in their community. In the end, more than 100 people were arrested and trialed. Twenty were found guilty and died brutally. Nineteen of them were hanged while the other was pressed to death by heavy stones.
What did the Mayflower Compact entail?
The Mayflower Compact entailed the laws of good government the men on the ship formed for everyone's well being.
Who fought in King Philips's War and what were the reasons for the conflict?
Europeans and Native Americans fought in the King Philips's War because they defined land ownership differently. To Europeans, land could be owned by individuals. To Native Americans, the land belonged to everyone.Religion also caused conflict among them. In the end, the English won, many Natives died, and the remainder were used as laborers.
What was the Great Migration?
The Great Migration was the over twenty thousand Puritans who wanted to reform the Church of England, leaving their homeland and heading to the Americas.
Who were the Pilgrims and the Puritans? Name a major difference between the two groups.
The Pilgrims were a Separatist group whodid not like the new Catholic Church of England. The Puritans were a religious group that wanted to escape punishment by King James I. They were different because the Puritans wanted to reform church practices while the Pilgrims wanted to break away completely from the church.