Shark Brain

Shark brain

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Question 1
What is this?
Purple-ampullae of lrenzini, pink-olfactory bulbs, light blue-olf tract, yellow-cerebral hemisphere, red-optic lobes, blue-cerebellum, green-cerebellar auricles.psd
Question 2
What is this?
Pink-medulla oblongata, teal-fourth ventricle, yellow-sperficial opthalmus trunk, green-superior oblique, purple-superior rectus
Question 3
What is this?
Pink-optic nerve, green-media rectus, yellow-oculomotor nerve, blue-tiny trochlear nerve, green-medial rectus
Describe where the oculomoter nerve is? M What about the trochlear nerve?
Oculomoter- on top of eye, laid on top of eye, smaller and thinner than medial rectus parallel to the eye, trochlear nerve- is tiny, attached to superior obliques
Question 5
What is this?
Teal-lateral rectus, blue-deep opthalmic nerve, geen-inferior rectus, pink-inferior oblique, red- back there is optic nerve
Question 6
What is this?
Pink-vagus nerve, oragne-glossopharyngeal nerve
Name al of the extrinsic eye muscles and describe location
Superior -on top, sup oblique-anterior, rectus-posterior, form a triangle, on top get medial rectus= big musle parallel to eye that is like bottom of triange, get interior oblique under eye, oblique is anterior, recus is posterior, lateral rectus-look from bottom, most post muscle
Name the first two nerve branching from the cerebellum
First branch is glossopharyngeal nerve, second is vagus nerve and is yellow and larger
Describe where are the deep opthalmic, superifcial opthalmic and optic nerves?
Deep opthalmis-huge yellow nerve on underside of eye, superficial opthal- yellow and huge, goes to snout, optic-thick white fiber connecting to eye, if pull eye up, is next to inferior oblique muscle and optic nerve is above this a smaller
Where and what is the membranous labryinth?
Inner ear of sharks with ducts and sacs, clear shiny thing with canals