Sensory Perception NUR 111

Flashcards on sensory

91 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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To be aware of their surroundings, an individual must have 4 areas of the sensory process present....
Stimulus-agent that stimulates Receptor-a nerve cell acts as recepter by converting Impulse Conduction: impulse travels along nerve pathways to spinal cord or brain Perception: awareness of stimuli in brain
The brain has the capacity to adapt to _________ _______.
Sensory stimuli ex. living in a city you don't hear traffic noise
Define awareness.
Ability to perceive environmental stimuli and body reactions and o respond appropriately thru thought and action
Protective extraocular structures of the eye.
Eyebrows (shade/keep swat away), eyelids (cover anterior eye), eyelashes (touching makes us blink), conjunctiva (lubricates), lacrimal apparatus (secrete tears), extrinisic eye muscles (move to follow object, keep shape)
What do intraocular structures do?
Transmit visual images and maintain homeostasis of the inner eye -sclera, cornea, iris, pupil, and anterior cavity
Purpose of sclera and cornea
Lines outisde of the eye, protecting it and giving it shape-cornea allows light to enter
Purpose of iris and pupil
Disc of muscle surroundings the pupil and lying between the cornea and the lens -iris-gives eye color, regulates light entry -pupil-constricts with bright light and used for near vision -dilates with light are dim and used for far vision
Define pupillary light reflex.
Response to intense light, pupils constrict rapidly
Define accomodation.
Eye adjusts to variations in distance
What cranial nerves are responsible for transmitting taste information to the brain?
VII, IX, and X
Flavor is regulated mainly by _______.
What cranial nerve is primarily responsible for smell?
Factors affecting sensory perception
Congenital and hereditary-FAS Culture-amouth of stimulation that is normal Stress-senses overload Isolation-touch early in life is important Medication and Illness-certain meds can alter senses ****elders at increased risk Lifestyle and personality-quality and quantity
In newborns the ability to distinguish color and other details is _______.
By ____ months, eyes should be aligned and movement should be coordinated.