Seed Plants

These flashcards are about seed plants. They include the definitions of the plant parts, information about types of seed plants, life cycles, alternation of generations, and double fertilization.

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______: plants spend __of time as haploid (_____), and __of time as diploid (______)
Alternation of generations; 1/2; (gamete); 1/2 (fertilized egg)
______: __ sperms fertilize eggs: __sperm goes through the pollen tube to ___the egg ___sperm becomes the seed's ____ substance

Double fertilization; 1 fertilize; 1 food
The higher _____plants are different from the ferns and their relatives by the presence of a ____.
Vascular; seed
As with the ferns, the ______ is the dominant generation.
_____: contains the embryonic plant with a supply of nutrients and a ____coat to prevent drying out. It can remain ____ a long time.
Seed; seed; dominant
Seed plants have two types of ____ that give rise to two separate gametophytes: (_____ &______)
Spores; male; female
Seed plants are separated into 2 large groups: _______ & _______
Gymnosperms; Angiosperms
_____: have "naked seeds" (seed not enclosed by a ___) They include the ___(cone-bearing plants), ____, and ____. Pollination is done by ____.
Gymnosperms; fruit; conifers; ginkgo; cycads; the wind
Characteristics of Conifers: 1.) Adapted to ___weather. 2.) Have____ 3.) Have a ____life cycle
1.) cold,dry. The needle-shaped leaves conserve water; 2.) cones. They have pollen cones (male) & seed cones (femalels) that are adaptive to landlife; 3.) complex
______: flowering plants. Their seed develops into a ___ which comes from the ___. Pollination by __, ___, or____.
Angiosperms; fruit; ovary; birds, insects, winds
The ___is the sexual reproductive structure (has male and female parts=_____)
Flower; monoecious
____&_____: the flower's modified leaves
Petals; sepals
_____: the male reproductive structure that produces_____. It is composed of _____and _____.
Stamen; pollen; filament; anther
_____: the female reproductive structure and produces the egg in an ___. It is composed of ____, ____, &____.
Pistil; ovule; ovary; style; stigma
______: the depositing of a pollen grain on the ____ (on a flower)
Pollination; stigma