Science Quiz Chapter 1.1 and 1.2

 Key concepts, vocabulary, and defitions from chapters 1.1 and 1.2 in Prentice Hall's High School Physical Science textbook

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 210

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Qualitative Observations
Descriptive observation (that car is red)
Quantitative Observations
Numerical (that car has four wheels)
System of knowledge and the methods you use to find that knowledge
Use of knowledge to solve practical problems
Study of matter and energy and interactions between the through forces and motion
Study of properties of matter
Earth Science
Using physics and chemistry to study the earth
Life Science
Study of living things or biology
What does science begin and end with
Science begins with curiosity and often ends with discovery
Difference between physical and life science
Physical Science covers a broad range of non living things, while life science studies living things, but both overlap
Compare science and technology
Science and technology are interdependent. Advances in one lead to advances in the other. The goal of science is to expand knowledge Goal of technology is to apply knowledge
Four Big Ideas of Physical Science
Space and Time (universe is old and big), Matter and Change (universe is built from matter and atoms), Forces and Motion (forces cause motion), Energy (exists in many forms and cannot by destroyed)
Scientific Method
To solve a problem or to better understand an observed event
Information obtained through
Proposed answer to a question