Sadlier-Oxford Vocab Terms Flashcards

Sen. pos, def, syn, anto.

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AcuityNounUnit 5
(n.) Sharpness (particularly of the mind or senses)

The ACUITY of most people's mind leasens as they grow older.

S: Keenness, acuteness
A: Dullness, obtuseness
DelineateVerb Unit 5
(v.) To portray, sketch, or describe in accurate and vivid detail; to represent pictorially.

The director has to DELINEATE the idea of the play to the audience.
S: Depict, picture, render
DepravedAdjective Unit 5
(adj.) Marked by evil and corruption, devoid of moral principles

The Wicked witch is about a DEPRAVED witch who is crushed by a house.

S: Perverted, degenerate, vicious, corrupt
A: Moral, virtuous, upright, uncorrupted
EnervateVerb Unit 5
(v.) To weaken or lessen the mental, moral, or physical vigor of; enfeeble, hamstring.

Sadly, the great singer's mind was ENERVATED by cold medicine.

S: Impair, cripple, paralyze
A: Invigorate, strengthen, buttress
EsotericAdjective Unit 5
(adj.) Intended for or understood by only a select few, private, secret.

The ESOTERIC knowledge was dangerous in the  hands of a bad man.

S: Occult, cryptic, arcane, recondite
A: Accessible, comprehensible, intelligible
FecundAdjective Unit 5
(adj.) Fruitful in offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive.

The farmer's FECUND fields were envied by competitors far and wide.

S: Fertile, teeming, prolific
A: Infertile, barren, unproductive
FiatAdjective Unit 5
(adj.) An arbitrary order or decree; a command or act of will or consciousness
 The therometor of FIATS is always the same

S: Edict, dictum, ukase
FigmentNounUnit 5
(n.) A fabrication of the mind; an arbitrary notion

The oasis was just a FIGMENT of the his heatstoken imagination.

S: Creation, invention, fancy
GarnerVerb Unit 5
(v.)  To acquire as the result of effort; to gather and store away, as for future use

You can GARNER much knowledge through experience.

S: Collect, accumulate, accrue
A: Scatter, squander, waste, dissipate
HallowVerbUnit 5
(v.) To set apart as holy or sacred, sanctify, consecrate; to honor greatly, revere.

The cross is a HALLOWED item signifing Christ.

S: Venerate, bless
A: Desecrate, defile, profane
IdiosyncrasyNounUnit 5
(n.) A peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify

An IDIOSYNCRASY of me is that i like to collect pencils.

S: Eccentricity, quirk, mannerism
IgnominyNounUnit 5
(n.) Shame and disgrace

He went from grace to IGNOMINY.

S: Dishonor, humiliation, disrepute, odium
A: Honor, glory, acclaim
MundaneAdjectiveUnit 5
(adj.) Earthly, worldly, relating to practical and material affairs; concerned with what is ordinary

The MUNDANE bell told me to go to class over and over again.

S: Prosaic, humdrum, routine, sublunary
A: Heavenly, unworldly, spiritual, transcendental
NuanceNounUnit 5
(n.) A subtle or slight variation (as in color, meaning, quality) delicate gradation or shade of difference.

A slight NUANCE of color can be seen in the subtle painting.

S: Shade, nicety, refinement
OverweeningAdjective Unit 5
(adj.) Conceited, presumptuous, excessive, immoderate

His OVERWEENING ego during the interview put off many potential jobs.

S: Arrogant, unbridled, inflated
A: Restrained, understated, modest, meek