Sadlier Oxford Level G Unit 4 Vocab

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20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Atrophy noun verb
(n.) the wasting of away of a body organ or tissue; any progressive decline or failure; (v.) to waste away
Bastion noun
(n.) a fortified place, stronghold
Concord noun
(n.) a state of agreement, harmony, unanimity; a treaty, pact, covenant
Consummate adj. verb
(adj.) complete or perfect in the highest degree; (v.) to bring to a state of completion or perfection
Disarray noun verb
(n.) disorder, confusion; (v.) to throw into disorder
Exigency noun
(n., often pl.) pressure; urgent demand, pressing need; an emergency
Flotsam noun
(n.) floating debris; homeless, impoverished people
Frenetic adj
(adj.) frenzied, highly agitated
Glean verb
(v.) to gather bit by bit; to gather small quantities or grain left in a field by the reapers
Grouse noun
(n.) a type of game bird; a complaint; (v.) to complain, grumble
Incarcerate verb
(v.) to imprison, confine, jail
Incumbent adj noun
(adj.) obligatory, required; (n.) one who holds a specific office at the time spoken of
Jocular adj
(adj.) humorous, jesting, jolly, joking
Ludicrous adj
(adj.) ridiculous, laughable, absurd
Mordant adj
(adj.) biting or caustic in thought, manner, or style; sharply or bitterly harsh