Rvt Prep Questions

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96 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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How long will a heat-sealed plastic and paper surgical pouch pack remain reliably sterile in an open cabinet? (Like on an open shelf)
A - At least 1 week
B - At least 3 weeks
C - At least 3 months
D - At least 1 year
The sterility of items in a heat-sealed plastic and paper surgical pouch pack on open shelves is at least one year. But it is always better to keep sterilized items in a clean, closed, dust-free cabinet.
Which forceps are particularly good for vascular surgery?
A - DeBakey
B - Brown-Adson
C - Russian thumb
D - Rat tooth
Debakey vascular thumb forceps have multiple delicate teeth and are good for vascular surgery. Brown-Adson forceps have intermeshing teeth; they are used for suturing and wound closure. Rat tooth forceps have large interlocking teeth and are used for tough connective tissue and fascia. Russian thumb forceps are good for needle handling but are hard on tissues.
What is another name for a thrombocyte?
A - Red blood cell parasite
B - Basophil
C - Platelet
D - Lymph node epithelial cell
Thrombocytes are platelets, which help clot blood.
Why are most antibiotics contraindicated in rabbits and hamsters?
A - Highly permeable blood-brain barrier
B - Their little hearts just can't take it
C - Highly sensitive to renal toxicity
D - Disrupts gram positive gut flora
Rabbits, hamsters and other rodents are very sensitive to enterotoxemia. Most antibiotics disturb their normal gut flora, particularly the beneficial gram-positive bacteria which digest high-fiber food and keep pathogenic clostridial organisms from over-growing.
Which is more severe, periodontitis or gingivitis?
A - Depends on patient
B - No difference in severity
C - Periodontitis
D - Gingivitis
Typically, peridontitis is a more chronic and severe problem. Periodontal disease is a general term that includes gingivitis (gum inflammation) and peridontitis (more chronic, severe damage from bacterial plaque that involves gingiva, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, root cementum). Periodontal disease is caused by accumulation bacterial plaque at the gingival margin (gumline) due partly to lack of adequate oral hygiene.
A cockatoo has been prescribed 10 mg of Supercillin, s.i.d. for 10 days. How often does the bird get medicine each day?
A - Once a day
B - Twice a day
C - Three times a day
D - As needed
S.i.d. means once a day. Remember "S" for Single" (s.i.d.), "B for Bi" (twice a day, b.i.d.), "T for Tri" (3 times a day, t.i.d.) and "Q for Quad" (4 times a day, q.i.d.). Many clinics use capital letters (SID, BID, TID, etc., to mean the same things). prn or PRN means "as needed". q.o.d. means "every OTHER day". Some clinics use e. o.d. to mean every other day.
What is a Frick speculum used for in large animal medicine?
A - Teat repair
B - Holds eyelids open for short ophthalmic procedures
C - Vaginal exam
D - Protects a plastic orogastric tube from being bitten
A frick speculum is a blunt ended metal tube about 1.5 feet long and about 2 inches in diameter. You insert it into a cow's mouth about 8-12 inches, and then you can safely run a plastic orogastric tube inside it and down to the rumen.

Even though the cow may chew on the speculum, it protects the plastic tube from being bitten in half. A common reason to pass a tube in a cow is to pump in fluids or medicine or relieve free gas bloat. If you cannot relieve bloat by tubing the cow, you may need to help the vet and the farmer to place a trocar (a tube to let off gas, also called a cannula) into the rumen
What is an iatrogenic medical or surgical problem?
A - A disease secondary to inbreeding
B - A disease that gets better without treatment
C - A bad outcome, inflicted by the therapy itself
D - A genetic predisposition
An iatrogenic problem is caused by the therapy itself. A common example of an iatrogenic disease occurs when chronic treatment with glucocorticoids (like prednisolone) for a common problem like flea allergy causes iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism, (also known as Cushing's disease).
If a cat has a luxated hip, what is the problem?
A - Fracture
B - Dislocation
C - Looseness
D - Arthritis
Hip luxation is another name for hip dislocation. A luxated hip is the most common dislocation in dogs and cats, and 60% of these are caused by trauma, usually due to being hit by a car.
Which direction is rostral?
A - Towards the right side
B - Towards the nose
C - Towards the tail
D - Towards the belly
Rostral means towards the nose. Cranial means towards the head. Caudal means towards the tail/hind end. Ventral is towards the belly. Dorsal means along to topline/back.
ABaxial means AWAY from the middle of the animal. ABduct means movement of a limb AWAY from the midline. ADDuct means moving a limb TOWARDS the midline
For eyes, remember that "OU" means BOTH eyes, "OD" means the RIGHT eye and "OS" means the LEFT eye.
Which statement about the proper storage of fresh or frozen plasma is most correct?
A - can be stored at 39.2 F - 50 F (4 C - 10 C) for up to 3 weeks
B - should be stored above 98.6 F (37 C)
C - must be used within 48 h
D - can be frozen for up to 1 year
Fresh or frozen plasma is stored at -4 F to -22 F (-20 C to -30 C) for up to 1 year. Frozen plasma should be thawed to 98.6 F (37 C) in a warm water bath to 30-60 minutes before administration. Typically, plasma is given for volume expansion to animals in shock, or who had suffered heavy burns.
Whole blood with acid citrate can last up to 14 to 21 days when refrigerated. Heparinized blood must be used within 48 h. Typically we give blood transfusions to animals who have suffered severe blood loss from injury or anemia. Follow this link for more on blood transfusion in animals.
Which of the following dog breeds is classified as brachycephalic?
A - English bull dog
B - Golden retriever
C - Great Dane
D - Greyhound
English bull dogs are brachycephalic which means that they have broad short head, and pushed in faces. Dolichocephalic dogs are the long narrow headed dogs. Doberman pinschers are typical. Cephalic index is the ratio of the maximum width of the head to its maximum length.
You are presented with a cat who looks like this (dilated pupils).What is the name of this condition?
You are presented with a cat who looks like this (dilated pupils).What is the name of this condition?
A - MeiosisB - MyiasisC - MiosisD - Mydriasis A - Meiosis
B - Myiasis
C - Miosis
D - Mydriasis
Another name for dilated pupils is mydriasis. Two commonly used pre-anesthetics, atropine and glycopyrrolate, both cause mydriasis. When both pupils are small, that is called miosis. Meiosis is a form of cell division. Myiasis is a name for invasion of tissue by parasitic fly larvae, like screwworm fly larvae.
What is the total serum protein level in a dog with an albumin of 4.0 g/dl and a globulin level of 3.5 g/dl?
A - Cannot calculate with this information
B - 3.5 g/dl
C - 7.5 g/dl
D - 1.5 g/dl
It is 7.5 g/dl. Serum total protein is made up of globulins (like antibodies) plus albumin. Typically, a blood chemistry report will show you the total protein and the albumin. You can calculate the globulin by subtracting the albumin concentration from the total protein concentration.
The veterinarian assigns you a dog with a case of conjunctivitis. What is the health problem?
A - Epiglottal inflammation
B - Inflamed eyes
C - Inner ear infection
D - Sinus infection
Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the tissues around the eyes. Look for reddening and swelling. Conjunctivitis can be caused by irritants or infections