Review for Diagnostic Procedures

Review for fi nal exam

55 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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If the ECG recording appears as a series of interruptions on the baseline, the medical assistant should:
Check the cable connections to the electrodes
If the ECG recording appears as a series of small uniform spikes in the baseline, the medical assistant should:
Check for nearby electric appliances
If the ECG recording appears with the baseline rising and falling, the medical assistant should:
B and C: ask the patient to lie still and help the patient to relax and stay warm
If the ECG recording appears as a series of irregularjagged peaks, the medical assistant should:
Help the patient to relax and stay warm
The greatest deflection from the baseline on the ECG is the:
QRS complex
Which deflection from the baseline represents the repolarization of the ventricles?
T wave
What part of the ECG complex represents the atrial depolarization?
P wave
The part of the sonography machine that is in contact with the patient is called the:
The doughnut-shaped portion of a CT scanner that surrounds the patient and functions, at least in part, to gather imaging data is called the:
A blood culture and sensitivity (C&S) test is most likely performed in which division of the clinical laboratory?
Which of the following is most accurate to measure 500 mL?
500-mL volumetric flask
The microscope component that directs the light up through the stage is the:
Immersion oil can be used with which of the following objective lenses of the microscope?
Urine with suspected high levels of which substance should be stored in a dark place before testing?
If you fail to refrigerate a urine sample for an extended period of time before testing, which of he following is likely to increase?