Research Quiz 3

Vocabulary and key terms

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Reseach Design
Encompasses the entire research process including sampling, data collection, and analysis
- provides a plan for answering the research questions or hypotheses
Purpose of Research Designs
Describe phenomena- quantitative or qualitative
Explain relationships among variables- correlational
Predict relationships among variables- experimental
Examine causality
-the relationships between cause and effect
-requires manipulation of IV in an experimental design
-cause precedes effect (assumption)
Extraneous variables
Those that confound or confuse the effect of the IV on the DV
- control for extraneous variables through randomization, etc.
Random sampling
All people in the population of interest have the same probability of being selected to be in the study
Random assignment
All subjects in the sample have an equal chance of being assigned to either the treatment or the control group
- after someone decides to be in the study
Internal validity
The degree to which one can conclude that it was the IV, not extraneous variables, that produced the change in the DV
Threats to Internal Validity (7)
i.e. change in DV was due to (threat) instead of the IV
- selection bias- due to diff. in characteristics of subjects
- history- occurred during the course of study to effect DV
- maturation- sub. may change/mature over time
- testing- pretest influences responses to posttest
- Instrumentation- changes in measuring variables
- mortality- loss of subjects before completed
- statistical conclusion validity- confidence of results
External Validity
The degree to which the results of the study can be generalized to other subjects, settings, and times.
Threats to External Validity
-Construct Validity
-Effects of Selection
-Interaction between treatment and subjects
-Interaction between treatment and setting
-Interaction between treatment and history
Construct validity
Allows researchers to determine if instruments are actually measuring the theoretical concepts that are intended to be measured.
- was the study/instruments used constructed well enough to provide a strong framework/data
Subjects behave differently by virtue of participating in the study (Hawthorne Effect)
Decrease the threat of Reactivity
1) Single Blind- subjects don't know treatment
2) Double Blind- subjects and testers don't know which treatment is which
Retrospective Designs
-ex post facto (after the fact)
- start with the DV and look back in time to determine possible causative factors.
- no ability to directly manipulate the IV and the subjects cannot be randomly assigned (nonexperimental)
- can NEVER be experimental
Cross-Sectional Design
-Nonexperimental designs
-provides a snapshot by looking at one point in time for each subject
-difficult to establish cause and effect