Research Methods

Research Methods

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Risks in Psychological Research
Physical harm, stress, loss of privacy and confidentiality
Informed Consent
Information people need to make their decision, simple and straightforward language
Can be used when it wouldn't interfere with the decision, and information will be given at the end of the study, informed consent can alter the participant's reactions
If participant's were deceived, researcher has to explain why that was necessary, make sure participant is calmed down, explain purpose and what was expected
Alternatives to Deception
Role-playing, simulation, honest experimental studies
Describe a situation and ask how the person would respond to it, if they know what the hypothesis is, they may behave in a way that supports it
Simulation Study
Simulation of real world experience (Stanford Prison Experiment)
Honest Experimental Study
No role-playing or deception, effectiveness of online dating, programs that seek to change behavior, field experiments (staring at drivers), naturally occurring events (crowded dorms)
Confounding and Internal Validity
Confounding variable is one that cannot be separated from the results and therefore one cannot say with entire certainty that the results are solely because of the manipulation of the IV
Basic Experiment: Post-Test only
Obtain two equivalent groups of participants, introduce the IV and measure the effect on the DV
Basic Experiment: Pre-Test then Post-Test
Only difference from only post-test is that a pre-test is given before the experiment
Disadvantages of Basic Experiments
Groups may not be entirely equal, people may drop out of the study, pre-test may be time consuming, could sensitize people to the nature of th study
Advantages of Basic Experiments
Pre-test can eliminate groups not being entirely equal, can imbed the pre-test in something else so it wouldn't be recognized
Independent Groups Design
Participants are randomly assigned to the various conditions so that each participates in only one group.
Repeated Measures Design
Measured after each level of IV, fewer people needed because they participate in all levels, very sensitive to differences because data is from the same people