Answer the Following Apostasy in Christianity Flashcards

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the meaning of the word "revelation"?
God's showing us who he is and his truth
How is each person of the blessed trinity involved in the divine revelation?
Man have access to father, through christ, word made flesh by Holy Spirit, and become sharers by guieding us.
If human reason can lead us to believing in God and to understand some of his attributes, then why do we need revelation?
Not capable of understanding things beyond our human capacity.
List some of the things taught by the catholic church that culd not be derived through the use of reason alone.
Jesus in the eucharist, three divine persons in one God, and the immaculate conception of mary.
What is the purpose of God revealing himself to man?
So he can have a relationship with us.
Why is it neccessary to verify the claim that something comes from God?
Reason dictates that we need some evidence.
What are the 4 principal motives of credibility used to verify the truthfulness of divine revelation?
-miracles of jesus and his saints -the fullfillment of prophesis -dignity of the message -growth, holiness, fruitfullness, & stability of the chuch.
What is the definition of miracle? prophecy? how are these proofs that revelation is truly divine?
Miracles-an extrodinary or observable fact or action the defies the laws of nature. prophesis- something that is said in the name of God refers to for knowledge of future events.
Why would a atheist, by definition, regect the excistance of miracles?
If God does not exist, he can not therefore perform miracles.
What is the freatest miracle that verifies the truthfulness of divine revelation?
How is the very existence of the catholoc church a motive of credibility for its divine mission?
Inspite of human defect the church stil exist
What is the definition of faith?
Our belief of what God teaches
Explain how christ satifies the highest human aspirations?
Union with God is our perpose for our creation so only God can fulfill it
Bescribe the proper personal disposition needed for accepting divine revelation?
One need to be open to the truth.
What do we mean when we say that a particular truth is not "self-evident"?
It takes an act of free wil to accept it