Race and Racism Midterm 2

Race and racism study guide for midterm 2

84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Indian life prior to arrival and conquest of european settlers?
Collective culture, share everything, reciprocity, respectful of nature, non-wasteful
Purpose of indian reform/boarding schools?
To be turned into white men, changed clothes, educated
Who was andrew jackson and what did he do?
Established treaties to relocate indians, bribed them, if they would not become citizens they would be relocated.
What happened at Dancing Rabbit Creek?
Indians must consent to removal or be imprisoned or killed, didn't comply until threatened with death, relocated to west of mississippi, 1/5 died on the way
Who was John Ross, what did he stand for, what did the U.S. government do to him?
Refused to leave, told other indians to not agree to any future terms, he was jailed,
What is the “Trail of Tears”, why did Indians have to relocate again, was the treaty signed by the Cherokee legitimate, and what happened to Indian land after it was signed?
Bogus treaty signed and then upheld by federal officials, whites invaded, killed indians, taken to internment camps, made to travel in winter, trail of tears. Land was taken for the construction of a railway.
What role did the railway play in Indian life?
Saw how white men waste.
What is the Ghost Dance, why was it performed?
Protect cultural tradition/ from harm,
What is the battle at Wounded Knee?
Ghost dance made white men nervous, government sent soldiers to stop it, internment camp, indians were ambushed and killed.
Who was Francis Walker and what did he stand for?
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, indians must live on reservations, severe consequences if they tried to leave w/o authorization, assimilation, non-white territory open to whites.
What is the Dawes Act and what did it do?
1887 - land allotment by pres, reservations broke up, whites acquired land while indians lost land, indian citizenship: give up tribal affiliation, bought a plot of land,
What were “Last Arrow Pageants”?
Indians ordered by government to go to an assembly in traditional indian clothing, go into a tepee, come out, shoot an arrow, go back in tepee, come back out in white man's clothes, put hand on plow, given a flag and a purse.
Who was John Collier and what did he stand for?
Commissioner of indian affairs - said native americans should not be assimilated, retain their culture, valued cultural pluralism
What was the Indian Reorganization Act? How many tribes voted for and against it? Why would tribes vote against it?
172 in favor, 73 opposed
What happened with John Collier and the Navajo Indians?
Navajo voted against Indian Reorganization Act, targeted for land because they had too many livestock, overgrazing, silt was blocking dam. Government wanted them to sell livestock, Navajo said no, commissioner went to persuade them to sell livestock, then they sold livestock.