The Quiz for History 121

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Struggle of the Orders

- wealthy plebeians want political and social equality - right to hold offices, intermarriage - Twelve Tables = codification of Roman law (449 BCE) - over next two centuries, plebeians gradually gain access to priesthoods, public offices and the Senate
Civil war between home and marius and he is the victormakes many reforms the include increase senate power
Pax Romana

Roman peace
Greek philosopher from accounts of plato
Philip II of Macedon

Alexandra's father who led the first campagin against pursia
Defeats jugurtha, some king in africaone who promised land to his soildersmarius had many loyal soilders
Cesar's "adopted" sonwas a boss "one who run everything behind the scenes created rebulician facade
Tiberius Gracchus
Octavian (auguetus) succesor
12 tables
First time roman law was written down so commondors could see them and use them in the courts
Famous roman poet
Arsinoe II
Some queen of maconia during the hellnistic age
Was named for the pyrric victory. Great general but also had many costly deaths in one of his battles
Punic wars
Many battles fought between rome and carthage
The senate vest in him to defeat cesar upon his return, ceasar end up turning the tables and taking him out in egypt