

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the four main goals of psychology?
Describe, predict, explain, control
The _____ lob is responsible for auditory processing?
According to the ____ perspective, one purpose of behavior is to reduce the tension that has been brought about by powerful inner forces such as conflicts between personal needs and socitey's demands.
What perspective focuses on understanding how environmental stimuli control behavior?
The central emphasis of cognitive approach is _____.
Human thought and knowledge "thinking"
Carl Rogers and Abraham maslow are closely associated with which theorectical perspective in psychology?
The ____- perspective looks for causes of behavior in the functioning of genes, the brain, the nervous system, and the endocrne system.
Which approach was most concerned with the "what" of mental contents?
WHo developed the theory of evolution?
Charles darwin
Assume that humans will cooperate with one another in orrder to achieve specific goals. If cooperation among humans enhanced survival of human species, this outcome would be most directly consisten with the_____ perspective of psychology.
Focusing on reasons for why eating disorders are less prevalent in Third World countries than they are in technologicall advanced countries is an issue most likely to be addressed by a psychologist whit a ____perspective.
WHich researcher was the first to argue that psychologicl research wshould seek the laws that govern observable behavior across species?
Jon Watson
Often stated as a prediction that a certain outcome will result from specific conditions, a ____ is a tentative and testable explanation of the relationship between two or more events or variables.
Who is the Viennese physician who developed the psychodynamic principles of motivation?
To minimize observer biases, researchers typically use unifor, consistent procedures in all phases of data collectio. This process is known as ______.