Psychology Quiz

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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1. A Behavioural Psychologist would probably say that
- we act based on rewards and punishments received. - the unconscious stimulates our behaviour. - the mind is most important when analyzing behaviour. - introspection is a useful way to study mental processes.
2. A sample of 50 school-aged children are given either a pill with a certain medication in it, or a placebo. Before starting the experiment, and then after taking the pills for two weeks, the children fill out a survey about their energy level. The dependent variable is
    the pill without the medication. the pill with the medication in it. the children's energy level. the two weeks of the experiment.
3. These research techniques are all descriptive:
    Survey, observation, double-blind. Observation, experiment, standardized test. Case study, observation, standardized test. Correlation, case study, experiment.
4. True or false: The forebrain includes the thalamus, cerebrum, and cerebellum.
    True False
5. According to Diana Baumrind (1991), in order to be classified as an authoritarian parent, you would have
    a high level of control, and a low level of warmth. a low level of both control and warmth. a high level of both control and warmth. a low level of control, and a high level of warmth.
6. A child is playing with a toy. When you hide the toy, she makes no effort to look for it. According to Jean Piaget, the child is in which stage of cognition?
    Formal operational Concrete Operational Preoperational Sensorimotor
7. If you were looking for an employee who could find minute differences between small objects, ideally he would have
    a low difference threshold. a good short-term memory. a high difference threshold. a good long-term memory.
8. If you are in an altered state of consciousness, which of the following are you probably doing?
    Focusing on something Whistling Drinking alcohol Daydreaming
9. The method of Classical Conditioning begins with
    the conditioned stimulus and response. None of the above. the unconditioned stimulus and conditioned response. the unconditioned stimulus and response.
10. True or False: According to Atkinson and Shiffren, when your mind is processing information for your memory, sensory input travels from the working store, to the sensory store, to the long-term store.
    True False