Psychology Chapter 7

Psychology ch apter 7

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Congnition is a synonym for
When you took your college entrance exam, students across the country took the same test at the same time with the same insturctions. Whar characteristic of a good psychological test do these similarites reflect?
What number reflects the amount of differences in a population attribtable to genetic influences?
The individual test most often given to adults is the
What is one criticism of the conslusions offered by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray in the Bell Curve?
They failed to distinguish between correlation and causation
According to the Atkinson and Shiffrin model of memory, what happens when we actively think about something that we have previously learned?
The memory is recalled from LTM and is placed in STM
What are the metal categories representing activites, objects, qualities or situations that share some common charactieristics?
Psychological tests that yeild relativily consisten results are said to be
Ted and Jessica's son was recently diagnosed as mentally retarded. What is his likely deree of retardation?
Which of the following questions would be more likely to produce divergent thinking?
"How many uses can you think of for a stapler?"
A form of intelligence that refers to how effectibely people perceive and understand their own feelings and the feelings of otthers, is ______ intelligence.
On MOnday, Sal took a test developed to measre levels of sensation seeking and obtained a score of 13; he took the same test one week later and obtained the same score. Based on this information, you can most accurately conclude that the testis likely to be
The Biney and Simon intelligence test measured children on what new concept?
Mental age
What problem-solving stratefies dont guarantee solutions but make efficien use of time?
Which of these might be an examle of a performace item on the Wechsler tests of intelligence?
Using blocks to make a design like the one shown in a picture