Explain the Psychology of Brain and Nervous System Flashcards

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40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Neural messages travel faster on axons which
Have a myelin sheath
The part of the brain that helps process hearing and give meaning to words is the ______.
The temporal lobe
Calm is to aroused as _____ is to ______.
Parasympathetic; sympathetic
Human beings have _____ pairs of chromosomes.
The short fibers which extend from the neurons allowing it to receive messages from other neurons are
The area in the back of the temporal lobe that is important in our ability to listen and in processing and understanding what others are saying is _____.
Wernicke's area
Which hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is usually dominant in language tasks?
The left hemisphere
The part of the neuron that carries outgoing messages either to another neuron or to a muscle or gland is the
Which of the follwing is true of neural impulses in a single neuron?
The strength of a neural impulse is the same each time the neuron fires.
The idea that large fibers in the sensory nerves can prevent impulses from reaching the brain and thus prevent the sensation of pain is part of the ______ theory of pain.
The outer surface of the two cerebral hemispheres that regulate most complex behavior is called the ______.
Cerebral cortex
The structure in the hindbrain that controls certain reflexes and coordinates the body's movements is the _____.
Reduce pain messages in the brain
A long structure leaving the cell body that action potential travel along is called the______.
If the limbic system were destroyed, which of the following structures would be damaged?
Amygdala and hippocampus