Explain These Terms of Elaboration Likelihood Model in Psychology Flashcards

Terms from So cial Psy

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A learned evaluation of a particular perosn, behavior, belief or thing
Central Route Processing
Message interpretation characterized by thoughtful consideration of issues and arguments used to persuade
Peripheral Route Processing
Message interpretation characterized by consideration of the source and related general information rather than of the message itself
Cognitive Dissonance
The conflict that occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts
Social Cognition
The cognitive processes by which people understand and make sense of others and themselves
Set cognitions about people and social experiences
Central traits
The major traits considered in forming impressions of others
Attribuation Theory
The theory of personality that seeks to explain how we decide, on the basis of samples of an individual's behavior, what the specific causes of that person's behavior are
Situational Causes
Perceived causes of behavior that are based on environmental factors
Dipostional Causes
Percieved causes of behavior that are based on internal traits or personality factors
Halo effect
A phenomenon in which a initial understanding that a person has positive traits is used to infer other uniformly positive characteristics
Assumed-similarity bias
The tendency to think of people as being similar to oneself, even when meeting them for the first time
Self-serving bias
The tendency to attribute personal succes to personal factors(skill, ability, or effort) and to attribute failure to factors outside oneself
Fundamental attribution error
The tendency to overattribute others' behavior to dispositional causes and the corresponding minimization of the impotance of situtational causes
Social Influence
The process by which the actions of an individual or group affect the behavior of others