Psychology 101, Personality

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The pattern of Enduring Character istics that differentiate people - the behaviors that make each individual unique
Psychoanalytis Theory
Freud's theory that unconscious forces act as determinants of personality
A part of the personality of which a person is not aware and which is a potential determinate of behavior
The raw, Unorganized, inborn part of personality whose sole purpose is to reduce tension created by primitive drives related to hunger, sex, aggression, and irrational impulses
The par of the Personality that provides a buffer between the Id and the outside world
According to Freud, the final personality structure to develop; it represents the rights and wrongs of society as handed down by a persons parents, teachers, and other important figures
Oral Stage
According to Freud, a stage from birth to age 12 to 18 months, in which an infant's center of pleasure is the mouth
Conflicts or concerns that persist beyond the developmental period in which they first occur
Anal Stage
According to Freud, a stage from age 12 to 18 months to 3 years of age, in which a child's pleasure is center in the anus
Phallic Stage
According to Freud, a period beginning around age 3 during which the child's pleasure focuses on the genetials
Oedipal conflict
A child's sexual interest in his or her opposite-sex parent, typically resolve through identification with the same-sex parent
The process of wanting to be like another person as much as possible, imitating that person's behavior and adopting similiar beliefs and values
Latency Period
According to Freud, the period between the phallic stage and puberty during which children's sexual concerns are temporarily put aside
Gential Stage
According to Freud, the period from puberty til death, marked by mature sexual behavior
Defense Mechanisms
Unconscious stratagies that people use to reduce anxiety by concealing the source of the anxiety from themselves and others