Answer These Philosophy of Mind Flashcards

Basic psych info for psy 101 exam.

101 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the definition of psychology?
It comes from the greek word psyche (soul) and logos (word)
What is free will
Where one is able to act and beahave the way they choose to behave
What is determinism
Forces that guide your behavior and nothing you choose to do is guided
What is monism
Conscious experinece is generated by the brain (the brain and mind is one)
What is dualism?
The mind is seperate from the brain
Who is Phineas Gage?
A tamping rod went through his cheek and seprated the frontal cortex from the rest of his brain. It was said that he didnt act the same after the rod went through his brain, his manners were off and he wasnt the same person
What is the debate of nature v. nuture?
How differnces in behavior relate to diffrences in heredity and enviorment
What is a biological psychologist?
Someone who studies the brain and how it works PHD required
What is a psychiatrist?
Works in hospitals and clinically helps ppl MD required
What is a clinical Psychologist?
Someone who helps ppl with their problems PHD required
What is a Cognitve Psychologist?
Someone who studies the dev. of the brain and how ppl learn through experierence
What did W. Wundt do?
He made the first psychologica lab
What did E. Titchener do?
Student of Wundt showed how everyone had differnt perceptions of things
What did C. Darwin do?
Showed how differnt animals have common features as well as intelligence
What did J. Watson do?
Belived when you can predict behavior you can control behavior