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Classical Psychoanalysis based on Freud’s work the unconscious conflicts and working through early wounds based on theory of personality Not symptom-focuseda conflict model: conflict occurs unconsciously, motivated by eros (sexual desires) and thanatos (wish to die/agression)… urges we have to control but don’t want to-conflicts lead to defines mechanisms, type of defence mechanisms depend on psychosexual stage of personality development “fixation”
Psychoanalysis therapeutic goals
Increase client awareness through consciousness raising
Defense mechanisms
Keep us from breaking rules and take away the anxiety of wanting to break them
Personality structure
The ID: demanding child ruled by pleasure principle The EGO: The traffic cop ruled by reality principle The SUPEREGO: The Judge ruled by moral principle conscious is the tip of the iceberg…. ego at all three levels, id is unconscious and the superego is preconscious purpose of unconscious is to reduce anxiety the unconscious conflicts and working through early wounds based on theory of personality
Oral Stage/Oral Personality
Oral (birth-18 mo)-initial phase of psychosexual development-mouth is source of interaction with world sucking/rooting-learning to trust the world-relying on caretakers feeding them through mouth-oral stimulation gives trust and comfort-fixation occurs if trust and comfort aren’t achieved…. or overindulged… become too dependent or too aggressive-problems eating, drinking, or nail-biting Oral personality due to oral fixation from either deprivation or overindulgence: pessimism/optimism, suspiciousness/gullibility, self-belittlement/cockiness, passivity/manipulativeness, envy/admiration …. common defences: denial (from going to bed), projection (from spitting up bad shit and making it part of the environment), incorporation (from taking in food or liquid)-oral personality is not pathological, just immature
Anal Stage/Personality
Anal (18 mo-3 yrs)-pleasure from retaining and expelling feces-major conflict=toilet training -learning to control libido -fixation depends on parental training. praise for toilet use=capable feelings, productive, positive outcomes in life-if parents ridicule or punish, negative outcomes. too strict=anal retentive personality (rigid/obsessive)-too lenient is anal compulsive… the messy and disorganized Anal personality due to anal fixation from deprivation or overindulgence in that phase: stinginess/overgenerosity, constrictedness/expansiveness, stubborness/acquiescence, orderliness/messiness, unctuality/tardiness, precision/vagueness. Also just immature….. common defences:reaction formation (from being very clean when you wanted to be mesh), undoing (saying sorry), intellectualization
Phallic Stage/Personality
Phallic Stage3-6 yrs-focus of pleasure on genitals-learning differences in sexes-boys: oedipus complex: replace father ands possess mother as well as castration anxiety-girls: electra complex and penis envy that is never fully resolved vanity/self-hate, pride/humility, style/plain, flirty/shy, gregarious/isolated, brash/bashful
Latency Stage
Latency Stage6-12 yrs-school age… for Freud not much goes on, calm before the storm-interest in social relation, peers, hobbies-sexual energy directed to goal pursuit and social life-key to gain communication and self confidence skills
Genital Stage
Genital Stage12 yrs +-strong interest in opposite sex…. heterosexual activities important-focus shifts from self to others … some left fixated others riddled with combo of flaws… all need therapy
Anxiety: feelings of dread resulting from repressed feelings, memories, and desires-develop from conflict of id ego and superego to control psyche 4 types: reality anxiety: fear of danger from external worldneurotic anxiety: fear that instincts will get out of hand and we will be punished (controlling libido)moral anxiety: fear of own conscience… guilt when you break the moral code (know you did something wrong)primal anxiety: due to birth trauma of being overwhelmed with stimulation. bodily basis for panic (adult threat of being overwhelmed w/ instinctual stimulation)
Ego-defense mechanisms
-normal behaviour, help cope w/ anxiety, prevent ego from being overwhelmed, operated unconsciously, tend to deny or distort reality, adaptive if not solely used to avoid reality ex//compensation (mask weakness w/ cultivated positive traits)denial, rationalization (justifying something)displacement (place emotions from one thing on someone else or another thing)reaction formation (respond to something with opposite like laughing when sad)identification (identify with something external that seems worthwhile)regression (reverting to cope) interojection (assume someone else's values as our own) repression (not conscious like denial usually is)sublimation (divert secual/agressive behaviours with something else) projection (projecting our own unacceptable attributes on others)
Therapeutic Content
Intrapersonal: anxieties and defenes, self esteem, responsibility interpersonal: intimacy and sexualty, communication, hostility, control Individuosocial: adjustment vs transcendence, impulse control fulfillment: meaning of life, ideal individual
Fixations lead to excessive defensivesStressful events bring out impulses, react like repetition of childhood… scared they're falling apart… exacerbates defences and they become pathological symptoms can be a defence against a desire and an expression of them … unconscious primary process thinking. atemporal, everything is now, displacement frequent… conscious is secondary process logical.
Therapeutic Process
-make uncon con, strengthen ego, blank screen approach. up the insight, awareness, and control -set up helps the blank screen anonymity and free association -dont move too quick or give ill-timed interpretation… they’ll repress more -conscious raising is educational… confrontation and clarification, interpretation (provide accurate structure analysis and diagnosis of behaviour), working through stuff. Keep telling and pulling up connections to past each time they come up all through analysis of transferrent feelings, dreams, conflict etc. defences in therapy are a resistance… have to move slow or anxiety will make them flee or freak out psychic determinism: no thought w/o cause, but we aim to be free from tyranny of the unconscious communication: interlocking monologue…. speak to image of other person and mask self in dialogue hostility: manifestation of aggression from poorly defended personalities corrective emotional experience relational psychoanalysis… intersubjective approach you eventually mature and have new defences and higher consciousness analysis of resistance: try to make patient aware of reasons for resistance so they can be dealt with analysis of transference: therapist uses this technique to elucidate intrpsychic life Free association: report immediately w/o censoring thoughts/feelings… learning to respond flexibly and adapting, coping interpretation: teaching meanings of what is revealed dream analysis: therapist uses the royal road to the unconscious to bring unconscious material to light
Psychoanalytic Critique
C-B cites lack of evidence and focus on actualbehavior change rather than insightExistentialists note lack of freedom to transcend determinism and reductionismCultural view is that he is sexist and ignores societyIntragrative takes the good of resistance, defences and transference LIMITSbased on upper middle class values, costly, lacks direction/structure, no emph on maladaptive behaviours, minimizes environment, requires subjective interpretation, relies heavily on client fantasy