PSY Chapter 6 Conditioning and Learning

Chapter 6 conditioning and learning

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Any relatively permanent change in behavior that can be attributed to experience
does not include temporary chages due to diease fatigue injury maturation or drugs
Classical conditioning
A form of learning in which reflex responses are associated with new stimui
also known as pavlovian conditioning
Ivan pavlov
Was a russina physiologist who sutdied digestion
his most famous experiment invloved salivation in dogs using meat powder
An innate automatic response to a stimulus for example an eye blink
Neutral stimulus
A stumulus that does not evoke a response
piece of paper
Classical conditioning terms
Conditioned stimulus CS
unconditioned stumulus UCS
uncondtitioned response UCR
conditioned response CR
Conditioned stimulus CS
A stimulus that evokes a resopnse because it has been repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stuimulus
clicking sound or bell
Unconditioned stuimulus UCS
A stimulus innately capabel of eliciting a response
meat powder
Unconditioned response UCR
An innate reflex response elicited by an unconditioned stimulus
salvating to meant and powder
Conditioned response CR
A learned reponse elicited by a conditioned stimulus
salvating to mechanical device
stimuli = things?
CS and UCS
Actions and behavior unlearned
Principles of classicla conditioning
higher order conditioning
spontaneous recovery
stimuli generalization
stimulus discrimination
The period in conditioning during which a response is reinforced
Higher order conditioning
Classical conditioning in which a conditioned stimulus is used to reinforce futher learning that is a CS is used as if it were a US