Property & Casualty Nevada License

Preparation for the State License 

164 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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How is an insurance company able to protect such a large number of people who could potentially suffer a loss ?
By redistributing the financial consequences of individual losses to all persons insured
What is in insurance ?
Is the transfer of risk or loss from an individual or business entity to an insurance company.
When studying groups, what happens to predictability when the size of the group increases ?
The "law of large numbers"is the principle states that the larger the number of people with similar exposure to loss, the more predictable the actual losses will be.
What the insured must have in the person of property covered by the insurance policy ? and when this must exist ?
Must have an insurable interest and must exist at the time of the loss
What is risk ?
Is the uncertainty or chance of a loss occurring
What is the two types of risks ?
PURE refers to situations that can only result in a loss or no change, this is the only type accepted by insurance companiesSPECULATIVE involves the opportunity for either loss or gain, this type of risk is not insurable
What is Hazards ?
Are conditions of situations that increase the probability of loss
What are the 3 types of Hazards ?
PHYSICAL, are those arising from the material, structural or operational features of the risk, apart from the person owning or managing itMORAL refer to those applicants who lie on an insurance application or in the past have submitted fraudulent claims against an insurerMORALE refers to the increase in the hazard arising from the insured's indifference to loss (because of the existence of insurance)
What's Peril ?
Is an specific cause of loss. Peril insured against in property policies may include, fire, wind, hail and explotions
What are the 2 types of Peril ?
NAMED PERIL is used to describe the breadth of coverage provided under an insurance policy form that list specific covered PerilsOPEN PERIL is used to describe the breadth of coverage that insures against any risk of loss that is not specifically excluded
What is the type of loss that property insurance only covers ?
Is DIRECT, however INDIRECT losses that are related to the direct loss, and Insurance coverage to protect against these indirect losses may be added to the property insurance policies.
What are the 2 types of loss to an individual or a business ?
DIRECT means direct, physical damage to buildings and /or personal property, also includes damage where the insured peril was the proximate cause of loss. INDIRECT or consequential losses, are the ones considered as a result of direct loss. For example, the time it take to repair or replace damaged property, etc
What's "Actual Cash Value" (ACV)
Current replacement cost - depreciation = ACVthis method reinforces the principle of indemnity because it recognizes the reduction of value of property as it ages and become subject to wear, tear and obsolescence
Replacement cost method ?
The cost to replace damaged property with like kind and quality at today prices. This may provide the insured with a settlement in excess of the property's actual cash value
Market value method ?
Is the method of valuing a loss upon the amount a willing buyer would pay to a willing seller for a property before the loss (it takes in consideration the value of the land and location )