Principles of Marketing - CLEP

Introductory Rarketing concepts including Role of Mktng in Socicity, role of Mktng in a Firm, Target Mktng& Mktng Mix

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A manufacturer of car batteries, who has been selling through an automotive parts wholesaler to garages & service stations , decides to sell directly to retailer. Which of the following will necessarily occur?

A) Elimination of the wholesaler's profit will result in a lower price to the ultimate consumer
B) Elimination of the wholesaler's mktng functions will increase efficiency
C) The total cost of distribution will be reduced because of the elimination of the of the wholesaler
(D) The mktng functions performed by the wholesaler will be eliminated
E) The wholesaler's mktng function will be shifted to or shared by the manufacturer & the retailer

(E) The wholesalerer's marketing functions will be shifted to or shared by the manufacturer and the retailer.
Which of the following strategies for entereing the international market would involve the highest risk?

(A) Join ventures
(B) Exporting
(C) Licesing
(D) Direct investmet
(E) Franchisig

(D) Direct Investment
For a US manufacturer of major consumer appliances, the most important leading indicator for forecasting sales is

(A) automobile sales
(B) computer sales
(C) educational level of consumers
(D) housing starts
(E) number f bsiness failures

D) housing starts
Which of the following is an example of a societal marketing approach?

(A) Revamping the sales force trainng program
(B) Makng constant product improvemets
(C) Recalling voluntarily a product that is rumored to be defective
(D) Implementing a marketing information system
(E) Increasing efficiency by improvng production facilities

(C) Recalling voluntarily a product that is rumored to be defective
In contrast to a selling orientation, a marketing orientation seeks to

(A) increase market share by emphasizing promotion
(B) increase sales volume by lowering price
(C) lower the cost of disrbution by direct marketing
(D) satisfy the needs of targeted consumers at a profit
(E) market products that make efficiemt use of the firm's resources

(D) satisfy the needs of targeted consumers at a profit