Pride and Prejudice - Regency Words/Unit Terms

These are flash cards to help learn some regency period words.

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is a Bluestocking?
A lady interested in learning, books and sometimes philosophy.
What is an Ape-leader?
An old spinster lady.
What is an  epistolary novel?
A novel written as a series of letters.
What is a satire? 
A work of literature to expose human or institutional vices and in which a solution is either implied or directly suggested.
What is a landed-gentry?
The group of people in Regency England who owned land but did not hold tittles.
What is the Regency Era?
 A period in England between about 1800-1820, named for the Prince Regent who ruled during this time.
What is primogeniture?
A system of inheritance in which all property is passed in its entirety to the firstborn male heir.
What is entailment?
A legal arrangement which stated that an estate must pass on to a certain group of direct descendants. Since the property was passed from father to son, if a  landowner had no male heirs, the property would pass to his closest male relative.
What is a parody?
Literature that takes on the form of what is being satirized.
What is Horatian Satire? 
 Satires that is cheerful, gentle, and characterized by a "tongue-in-cheek" tone.
What is an assembly room?
Halls where dances, concerts and other social events were held. Most towns had assembly rooms. The most famous is Almack's in London.
What is a barouche?
 type of carriage with four  wheels, a folding hood, and rwo seats facing each other inside.
What is blunt?
What is to "set ones cap" mean?
Try to catch a sweetheart or a husband.  A lady puts on her most becoming cap to attract the gentleman's attention and admiration.
What is a chit?
A saucy , forward girl.