Practical #2

Muscle Terms list

92 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Origin: zygomatic arch Insertion: mandible Action: Elevates mandidble (close mouth)
Orbicularis oculi
Origin: medial wall of orbit, frontal and maxillar bones Insertion: circular path around orbit Action: blinking, squinting, forceful closing of eyelids
Orbicularis oris
Origin: muscle fibers/fibrous tissue surrounding opening of the mouth Insertion:skin at corner of mouth Action:kissing, compresses lips against teeth, shapes lips in speech
Origin: Temporal bone Insertion: coronoid process and ramus of the mandible Action: elevates and retracts mandible
Levator palpebrae superioris
Origin: root of orbit, lesser wing of sphenoid bone Insertion: skin of upper eyelid Action: opens eyelid
Origin: Temporal bone, mandible Insertion: hyoid bone Action: Depresses mandible, opens mouth
Origin: mandible Insertion: hyoid bone Action: elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth
Origin: superior border of scapula Insertion: body of hyoid bone Action: depresses hyoid bone
Origin: clavicle and manubrium of sternum Insertion: mastoid process of the temporal bone Action: flexes head, rotates head laterally
Origin: clavicle and manubrium of sternum Insertion: hyoid bone Action: depresses hyoid bone
Origin: styloid process of temporal bone Insertion: hyoid bone Action: elevates hyoid bone
Origin: transverse process of C1-C7 Insertion: first and second ribs Action: helps breath by elevation upper ribs, flexes head side to side
Origin: sternum Insertion: thyroid cartilage of larynx Action: depresses thyroid cartilage of larynx
Origin: thyroid cartilage of larynx Insertion: hyoid bone Action: elevates thyroid cartilage, depresses hyoid bone
Origin: pectoralis major and deltoid fascia Insertion: mandible, muscles around mouth, skin on lower face Action: depresses mandible, draws angle of mouth downward, tightens skin of the neck