Polynomial and Rational Functions Vocabulary

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Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function
F(x) = a(x - h)2 + k
Standard Form of a Quadratic Function
F(x) = ax2 + bx + c
Axis of Symmetry
Vertical line over which a parabola is symmetric
Quadratic Inequality
An inequality that involves a quadratic polynomial
Remainder Theorem
If R is th eremainder when a polynomial P(x) is divided by x - c, the R = P(c)
Synthetic Division
An algorithm for dividing a polynomial by (x + a) or (x - a)
Factor Theorem
The number c is a zero of the polynomial function y = P(x) if and only if x - c is a facor of the polynomial P(x)
Rational Zero Theorem
If f(x) is a polynomial function with integral coefficients and p/q is a rational zero of f(x) the p is a factor of the constant term and q is a factor of the leading coefficient
The number of times a root occurs in the complete factorization of a polynomial
Descartes's Rule of Signs
Suppose P(x) = 0 is a polynomial equation with real coefficients and with terms written in descending order. Then,
  • the number of positive real roots of the equation is either equal to the number of sign variation of P(x) or is less than that by an even integer
  • the number of negative real roots ot he equation is either equal to the number of sign variations of P(-x) or is less than that by an even integer
Theorem on Bounds
Suppose that P(x) is a polynomial with real coefficients and a positive leading coefficient and synthetic division with x - c is performed.
  • If c > 0 and all terms in the bottom row are nonnegative, then c is an upper bound for the roots of P(x) = 0
  • If c < 0 and the terms in the bottom row alternate in sign, the c is a lower bound for the roots of P(x) = 0
Rational Function
A function of the form A function of the form  where P(x) and Q(x) are polynomials where P(x) and Q(x) are polynomials
Vertical or horizontal line which the curve gets closer and closer to but never touches
Direct Variation
The statement y varies directly as x means that y = kx for some fixed nonzero real number k. Direct variation is a situation in which as one quantity increases, the other increases at a constant rate.
Inverse Variation
The statement y varies inversely as x means that y = The statement y varies inversely as x means that y =  for some fixed nonzero real number k.Inverse variation is a situation in which as one quantity increases, the other decreases at a constant rate. for some fixed nonzero real number k.Inverse variation is a situation in which as one quantity increases, the other decreases at a constant rate.