Poly Med Ethics Review Question Back of Chap 1

Matching, Multiple Choice, Case Study and Power Point

39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Why do we study law, ethics and bioethics?
Protect you and employer from being sued.
a. Illegal is almost always unethical. For ex: although marches during the Civil Rights movement were illegal, they were certainly not unethical.
b. Basic understanding of law as it applies to medical practice is essential
Helps to protect patients from poor medial care.
c. Helps to protect patients from poor medical care.
d. Helps protect employee and employer from law suits
e. Assists medical professional in making decisions based on reason and logic rather than on just emotion
What is the purpose of the Medical Practice Acts?
A. Regulate how medicine is practiced in each state
b. Provide legal definition for the practice of medicine in that state.
c. List requirements and methods for licensure
d. Define what constitutes unprofessional conduct.
What are five theories of ethics?
1. Duty based Ethics
2. Justice based Ethics
3. Right based Ethics
4. Utilitarianism based Ethics
5. Virtue based Ethics
What are ten virtues (values) that drive ethical behavior?
1. Beneficence
2. Fidelity
3. Gentleness
4. Humility
5. Justice
6. Perseverance
7. Righteousness
8. Sanctity of Life
9. Tolerance
10. Work
What are the three steps of the Blanchard - Peale Model?
1. Is it legal?
2. Is it balanced? (Example, does one person or group benefit or suffer more than another?
3. How does it make me feel? (i.e.,embarrassed, proud)?
What is bioethics?
Also, know as biomedical Ethics
* Moral dilemmas and issues resulting from advanced medicine and medical research relating to life
* Ex: cloning, stem cell research, and gene therapy
* Bioethicists: specialists in the field of bioethics
What is the role of an ethics committee?
A. Examine ethical issues relating to patient car
b. Contain a variety of members from many health care disciplines
c. Can serve in advisory capacity to patients, families, and staff for case review of difficult ethical issues
d. Develop and review health policies and guideline regarding ethical issues.
Medical Etiquette
Standards of professional behavior
* Certain rules, or standards of professional behavior, that physicians practice in their relationships or conduct with other physicians
* For Ex: telephone calls from one MD to another should be taken promptly.
*Branch of philosophy related to morals, moral principles, and moral judgement
* Morality is being virtuous; practicing right conduct
* Uses reason and logic to analyze problems and find solutions,
* Concerned with actions and practices that improve welfare of people in a moral way.
Applied ethics
Practical application of moral standards
Binding rules determined by an authority
Medical ethics
Moral conduct to regulate behavior of medical professionals
* Concerns issues related to practice of medicine
* Explores and promotes principles guiding conduct of health care professionals
* Involves the welfare and consideration of others in deciding how to act.
Principle of doing good
Veil of ignorance
Three step ethics model
Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent-Peale's approach to Ethics.