Poli 100 Quiz 1 Chapter 3

Poli 100 quiz 1 chapter 3

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Intergovernmental lobbies
Professional advocacy groups representing various state and local governing bodies
Full faith and credit
Constitutional provision requiring each state to recognize legal transactions authorized in other states
Privileges and immunities
Constitutional phrase interpreted to refer to fundemental rights, such as freedom to make a living, and access to the political and legal processes of the state
Interstate compacts
Cooperative segments made between states, subject to congressional approval, to address mutual problems
Federal mandates
Federal requirements imposed on state and local governments, often as a condition for receiving grants
Unfunded mandates
Requirements imposed on state and local governments for which the federal government provides no funds for compliance
Block grants
Federal programs that provide funds for broad categories of assistance such as health care or law enforcement
Program grants
Federal programs that provide funds for very narrow purposes and contain clear time frames for completion--e.g., construction of a portion of a highway
Formula grants
Federal programs that use mathematical calculations or demographic factors to allocate funds to states or localities
Categorical grants
Federal programs that provide funds for specific programs such as flood assistance
Cooperative federalism
Federal-state relationship characteristic of the post-New Deal era that stressed state and federal partnership in addressing social problems
Creative federalism
Federal-state relationship that sought to involve local populations and cities directly in addressing urban problems during the 60s and 70s
Revenue sharing
A grant program begun in 1972 and ended in 1987 that funneled money directly to states and local governments on the basis of formulas that combined population figures with levels of demonstrated need
A movement that gained momentum in the 80s to grant states greater authority over the local operation of federal programs and local use of federal funds
Dual federalism
Approach to federal-state relationships that envisions each level of government as distinct and authoritative within its own sphere of action