Plant and Animal Cell Organelle Terms Flashcards

​Learn and Study the Plant and Animal Cell Organelle with our flashcards quizzes. The study, learn and revise Plant and Animal Cell Organelle with our quiz based flashcards. This flashcard is simple and easy to use and is more fun-oriented. Learn and revise everything related to the Plant and Animal Cell Organelle.

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Converts energy stored in food to energy the cell can use to live and function. "powerhouses"
Captures energy from sunlight and changes it into a form of energy used to make food. photosynthesis
Produces enzymes that digest wastes, cell parts and invaders.found in animal cells.
Nuclear Envelope
Materials pass into and out of the nucleus through the nuclear envelope.
Cell Membrane
Allows material to pass into and out of the cell, separates cell from environment
Cell Wall
Found in plant cells. supports and protects the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Transports things throughout the cell (proteins)
Golgi Body
Sorts, packages and delivers proteins and substances in the cell. (from ER to cell membrane)q
Storage tank or systemplant cells have a larger vacuole
Helps a cell maintain and change its shape. contains all things needed by the cell.
Controls all the cell's functions and contains the genetic material
Produces ribosomes(proteins of the cell)
DNA is the chemical that contains the code for all the cell's structure and activities---chromosomes are responsible for directing growth and reproduction
Produce proteins
They are involved in cell division and move to opposite sides of the nucleus during pro-phase.