Piaget & Carl Rogers

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Carl Rogers developed what therapy?
Person or client centered
Beliefs of Carl Rogers therapy?
Self concept is a persons perception of and feelings about himself
+ person is a product of their own experience
What does self actualization mean to Carl Rogers ?
Meaning we have a tendency to develop capacities to enhance the person as well as naturally motivate toward becoming a fulfilled through new experience
Who believes there are issues between the persons real self and "ideal self"
Carl Rogers
Carl Rogers role as the therapist...
+be real
+congruent-real or genuine
Piaget- assimilation
Refers to thinking in of new information in the resulting integration into the shema or structure of thought.
What is schema?
Ways of thinking about and organizing ideas and concepts to pending ones level of cognitive developments.
Client centered therapy... Should the therapist ask questions?
No, the therapist should be non directive.
Client centered therapy... Should the therapist ask questions?
No, the therapist should be non directive.
nor should they give advice or give suggestions.
What type of statements do person centered therapy use?
1. Clarification or reflection of feelings
2. Restatement of content
3. Simple acceptance.
What is introjection?
Taking on values of others that are inconsistent .
If there is conflict between self actualization and introjection, one would use.....
Defense mechanisms to resolve the issue.
Definition of incongruence
A discrepancy between a persons ideal self and real self which results in tension, anxiety, and internal confusion.
Piaget was what type of therapist?
How do people think related to Piaget ?
All people learn to think in the same way.