Physics Test Electrostatics

Questions on a physic

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Electric phenomena are due to the movements of
A charged body will ____ a neutral object
Like charges ___ and opposites ______.
Repel, Attract
Opposites______ and like charges _______.
Attract, Repel
If two objects above were moved 3 times their original distance elctrostatic force(s) would be ____.
1/9th as big
If the two objects above were moved to twice their original distance electrostatic force(s) would be
1/4 as big
Air is normally a_______
Gas and Insulator
When calculating the electrostatic force between two positive particles the answer will indicate repulsion by
Being positive
Protons are charged_____ and are located____.
Positive, in the nucleus
Electrons are charged_____ and are located____.
Negative, outside the nucleus
If two pieces of scotch tape attract each other are they deff. charged oppositley? Explain.
No, opp. do attract but an uncharged particle is also attracted to a charged particle ONE of the scotch tape could be uncharged
The reason electrons and protons are attracted is that electrons and protons have the opposite charges T or F
A material is a good conductor if the electrons are easily moved from place to place T or F
The charge inside the Van de Graaff generator is neutral T or F
Only four people could be on the human chain on the Van de Graaff T or F