Physical Science Semester 2 Review Chapter 9

Review of Chapter nine of my physical science class.

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is power?
A quantity that measures the rate at which work is done
Know how to solve for power. How do you measure power? (units)
Work over time, watts, W
What does potential energy depend on?
Mass & height
How many types of simple machines exist?
What does an inclined plane change?
Multiply and redirect force
What are the Si units for work?
Know the difference between the three classes of levers.
1- middle fulcrum, 2- one end with the middle force on top and on the other end pushing up on top, 3- fulcrum on one end middle force pushing up and under
How does a lever increase force?
Force is transformed
How is a wheel and axle like a lever?
It is a lever connected to a shaft.
How do machines help people do work?
Redistributing the work we put in
What does mechanical advantage tell you about a machine?
What they can do
What is a compound machine?
A machine made of more than one simple machine
How do you measure energy?
Know the difference between kinetic and potential energy.
Potential- stored, kinetic- moving