Can You Answer These Science of Glaciers Flashcards

How well can do you know about the Science of Glaciers? Answer these quiz based flashcards based on the Science of Glaciers and check your knowledge. Learn key terms, definitions, and much more related to Science of Glaciers terms with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease. ​ Unit 11 Chapt er 23 P4

81 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Which of the followiing landscapes were not carved by glaciers?
The Grand Canyon
A glacier forms when
Snow accumulates to form ice and the ice mass begins to flow under its own weight.
The water table is found at the
Top of the zone of saturation
Caves and caverns are formed in carbonate rock by
Reaction of carbonic acid released into the groundwater
The flow of a glacier begins
After it has reached a critical mass.
Water able to be contained in the subsurface depends on
The flow of ground is dependent on
Hydraulic conductivity and pressure
Which has the longest residence time
Polar ice caps and glaciers
The most important agent of erosion is
The depositionaal landform at the farthest advance of a glacier is called a
Terminal moraine
As a large reservoir behind a new dam fills with water, what happens to the water table in the vicinity of the reservoir
The water table rises
V-shaped valleys are
common in mountainous regions
Through which of the following is the infiltration of water greatest?
Sandy soil
When a perched water table intersects the surface on a hillside, the result is
A spring
In a delta environment the first grains to settle are
Coarse-grained sediment