Physical Geography of Canada

 Social studies grade 5 study guide for Appalachian Region of Canada.

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What provinces make up the Appalacian Region?
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. They are the smallest Canadian provinces.
People who live here are never farther than how many kms from the sea?
The people are never farther than 200 kms from the sea.
What is the Appalacian Region also called?
A land by the sea. The ocean is their way of life.
What variety of landforms can be found in the Appalachian region?
Mountains, hills, valleys, plains, and islands.Erosion by water, wind and glaciers over the years caused these once high mountains to become flat, high areas called uplands.When glaciers melted they left behind rich farm soil as in Annapolis Valley & PEI.
How do bodies of water affect the quality of life of the people who live in the Appalachian region?
The Atlantic Ocean provides food, jobs, and means of transportation.Harbours can become a place of shelter and habitation.Living on island can be isolating.
Name 3 factors that contribute (or make up) the climate (weather) of the Appalachian region. Explain how each factor influences the climate (Weather).
Factor 1:Elevation (latitude and height the land is above the sea level) the higher the region, the cooler it will be. Factor 2: nearess to water - oceans are warmer than land in winter and cooler in summer. Coastal lands tend to get rain and fog.Factor 3: Location on the continent. The farther from the equator, the cooler the climate.
What are Tides?
The ocean's water rises and falls throughout the day.
What are the Acadian Dikes?
The first European Settlers, the Acadians, came from France in 1604. They farmed the land and tides were a problem so they built log dikes.
What are Weirs made up of?
Weirs are made of netting and wood and act like underwater mazes and traps. The fish enter the tide but cannot escape.
What was the name of the first people that used the sea for travel and food?
The Mi'kmaq and Maliseet (First Nations). It became important for the first settlers.
What is precipitation?
Moisture in the air?
What kind of weather can precipitation cause?
Rain, fog & snow.
What kind of activities does the climate in the Appalachian Region influence?
Recreation, clothing, seasonal living.
What are some of the more dangerous influences of the climate in the Appalachian Region?
Severe weather Hurricanes, violent rain storms, freezing rain.
Natural Resources are materials found in nature that people use to live and to make life easier.What Natural Resources are found in the Appalachian Region?
Water, air, land, soil, forests, wildlife, fish, and minerals.