Phylum Platyhelminthes Class Turbelalria and Class Monogenea

A short description of....

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Phylum Platyhelminthes Class Turbellarians are what kind of organisms?
Where can you find them?
Freeliving_ nearly all aquatic
Describe the epidermis:
Ciliated epithelium with rhabdites that discharge mucus (used in locomotion, attachment and prey capture)
Describe the mesoderm:
Becomes muscle layers with parenchymal cells, neoblasts and reproductive organs
Describe the gastrodermis:
Has secretory and nutritive cells
How is locomotion accomplished?
By cilia or muscular action
Describe feeding and digestion:
Carnivores with sac body plan. mouth is ventral with pharynx to ingest food.
Describe the nervous system:
Varies from nerve plexus in Acoela to ladder system with cerebral ganglion in Polycladida
What kinds of sensory organs do they have?
Ocelli, chemoreceptors, tactile receptors, rheoreceptors, and statocysts
Give an example of a Turbellarian.
Dugeseia spp.
What organisms come from Class Monogenea?
Small ectoparasites with direct life cycles (require one host) they are monogenetic flukes
What do monogeneas parasitize?
Fish, frogs, turtles with some within the body cavities (lower aquatic vertebrates)
Where is the opisthaptor and what is it?
Posterioventral side of the body and it is a holdfast
What are the larva called in Class monogenea?
Give an example of Class Monogenea.
Polystoma integerrium: in frog bladder; its lifecycle is linked to the kairmones of the frog